
Using Custom Login Page with Dotnet CAS Client

kritulrathod opened this issue · 2 comments


We had a query implementing the login page redirect using DotNetCasClient 1.1.0 client.

We want to have a custom UI for the login page where the CAS login shuld be displayed in an IFRAME.

We created a page and updated the URL to <forms loginUrl="https://www.myapp.com/login">
however in the documentation - it says that it is necessary to match the URL specified in <casServerLoginUrl> and <forms> element in the config.

Please advise how we can redirect the unauthenticated requests to - "https://www.myapp.com/login" instead of the "https://sso.myapp.com/cas/login" URL (which is SSO Blue Login Screen ).

Thanks in advance.

Have you found the answer for this?
If so, can you share it with me?

With your requirement it be inside an iframe I'm not really sure I can help here. I really have no experience with the way you are trying/wanting to make it all work.

I'd say just customize your CAS login page to look like, or be that of, what you have on https://www.myapp.com/login.