
OOM when using `ngx_echo`'s subrequests

rr- opened this issue · 1 comments

rr- commented

In light of #17 I tried to use ngx_echo to make it include README.txt, but I failed miserably.

Using 0.4.1 on nginx 1.10, any call to echo_location_async or similar from within a page generated by fancyindex rapidly eats all available memory until it crashes my machine.

Accessing the faux location directly (not through fancy index) properly includes the file I want.


server {
    server_name xxxxx;
    listen 443;
    ssl on;
    ssl_certificate xxxxx;
    ssl_certificate_key xxxxx;

    fancyindex on;
    fancyindex_exact_size off;
    fancyindex_header /HEADER.html;
    fancyindex_show_path off;
    root /srv/www/xxxxx/;
    index index.html index.txt;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/access_xxxxx.log main;

    location /HEADER.html {
        echo '<!DOCTYPE html>';
        echo '<html>';
        echo '<head>';
        echo '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>';
        echo '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>';
        echo '<title>Index of $request_uri</title>';
        echo '</head>';
        echo '<body>';
        echo '<h1>Index of $request_uri</h1>';
        echo_location_async '/index.txt';

In the example above, accessing /any-dir/ crashes the server, whereas accessing /HEADER.html, which isn't handled by fancyindex, renders the page as expected.

FWIW here's directory tree for the example above:

  • /
    • srv/
      • www/
        • xxxxx/
          • any-dir/
            • file1.txt
            • file2.txt
          • index.txt
          • HEADER.html (not a physical file)

This looks quite serious, I'll try and take a look this in the next days. Thanks for reporting.