
Nullflush -z mode doesn't work

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Nullflush -z mode still doesn't seem to work reliably, at least not when run from APy.

And, this breaks: apertium-fra-cat.

Any update on this issue?

It seems to be an issue with flushing. It only prints the previous text, and not the one just sent.

How to reproduce it.

# tty 1
mkfifo /tmp/fifotest
sleep 1000  > /tmp/fifotest &  # so it keeps the pipe open
../src/lsx-proc -z data/out.bin < /tmp/fifotest 

# tty 2
echo -e "^take<vblex><pres>$ ^it<prn><obj>$ ^out<adv>$ [][\n]\0" > /tmp/fifotest   # nothing gets printed in tty1
echo -e "^take<vblex><pres>$ ^me<prn><obj>$ ^out<adv>$ [][\n]\0" > /tmp/fifotest # outpout of take it out gets printed on tty 1
echo -e "^take<vblex><pres>$ ^him<prn><obj>$ ^out<adv>$ [][\n]\0" > /tmp/fifotest # output of take me out gets printed on tty 1

When that happens (after first text, no ouptut exists), code is waiting in


This has been fixed as part of apertium/lttoolbox@75a62df, but now we need new versions of lttoolbox to be published, so apertium-separable is aware of the fix.

@TinoDidriksen can you do that?

@TinoDidriksen Have you pushed new lttoolbox?

Not yet, another fix is pending to be released together with this fix.

Still a problem on apertium-oqaa with fra→cat. Here's the pipeline up until lsx-proc:

apertium@oqaa:~$ echo -e 'ai[][\n]\0ai[][\n]\0' | lt-proc -w -z '/home/apertium/tarballs-build/share/apertium/apertium-fra-cat/fra-cat.automorf.bin' | cg-proc -z -w '/home/apertium/tarballs-build/share/apertium/apertium-fra-cat/fra-cat.rlx.bin' | apertium-tagger -g -z '/home/apertium/tarballs-build/share/apertium/apertium-fra-cat/fra-cat.prob' | apertium-pretransfer -z 
] ^avoir<vbhaver><pri><p1><sg>$[][

then lsx-proc removes the words:

apertium@oqaa:~$ echo -e 'ai[][\n]\0ai[][\n]\0' | lt-proc -w -z '/home/apertium/tarballs-build/share/apertium/apertium-fra-cat/fra-cat.automorf.bin' | cg-proc -z -w '/home/apertium/tarballs-build/share/apertium/apertium-fra-cat/fra-cat.rlx.bin' | apertium-tagger -g -z '/home/apertium/tarballs-build/share/apertium/apertium-fra-cat/fra-cat.prob' | apertium-pretransfer -z | lsx-proc -z '/home/apertium/tarballs-build/share/apertium/apertium-fra-cat/fra-cat.autosep.bin' 
] [][

A test with just that step on fra-cat.autosep.bin.zip:

$ echo -e '^avoir<vbhaver><pri><p1><sg>$[][\n]\0^avoir<vbhaver><pri><p1><sg>$[][\n]\0' | lsx-proc -z fra-cat.autosep.bin

where if you show NUL as ^@ it looks like:


Installed: 0.3.2+g2337465824-1xenial1

Actually, the whole lsx method is a huge mess. I've been trying to look at where the problem is, and it seems that the original processor was never meant to support null-flush.

Fran added partial support for it (in apertium/lttoolbox@82c4537) but the actual code was always looking for feof(input), and never for \0. The fix I did last year worked for a few cases, but was causing the problem described above.

It seems that this fixes it: apertium/lttoolbox@85fbf5c

but it's an ugly hack, and we should probably rewrite the whole method (and, honestly, the whole file, if we want it to be maintainable).

$ echo -e '^avoir<vbhaver><pri><p1><sg>$[][\n]\0^avoir<vbhaver><pri><p1><sg>$[][\n]\0' \
     | lsx-proc -z fra-cat.autosep.bin

Seems to work =D

Could you add that to tests? (Especially in case someone ever cleans up the code …)