
Latest update of ng-apexcharts to angular v15

Suryaprasath1996 opened this issue · 17 comments

Hi, currently i am facing below issue in gitlab but its working fine in local.
I am facing this issue past 4 days only, before that its working fine.
So which version of ng-apexcharts can we use for angular 12 project? I am using angular 12 project

./node_modules/ng-apexcharts/fesm2015/ng-apexcharts.mjs - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angular/src/babel/webpack-loader.js):
TypeError: Cannot create property 'message' on string '/app/node_modules/ng-apexcharts/fesm2015/ng-apexcharts.mjs: This application depends upon a library published using Angular version 15.2.9, which requires Angular version 14.0.0 or newer to work correctly.
Consider upgrading your application to use a more recent version of Angular.

@junedchhipa @damingerdai can you please check this one

i have the exactly same problem. Tried to update to angular 13, but still doesnt work

@junedchhipa @damingerdai can you please check this one

try to use ng-apexcharts@v1.6.0

i have the exactly same problem. Tried to update to angular 13, but still doesnt work

what version is the ng-apexcharts used?

Hi @damingerdai
Myself tried almost all the version. but same error got in gitlab. I tried v1.6.0 and even 1.2.2.
In local its working fine, only error got in gitlab only.
So is there any specific version can we use for apexcharts version with ng-apexcarts 1.6.0.

Hi @damingerdai Myself tried almost all the version. but same error got in gitlab. I tried v1.6.0 and even 1.2.2. In local its working fine, only error got in gitlab only. So is there any specific version can we use for apexcharts version with ng-apexcarts 1.6.0.

https://github.com/damingerdai/angular12-apexcharts-app, it works for me

if you use angular 13, please use 1.7.0

HI @damingerdai
For me also working fine in local environment, only got build error like below in gitlab

When i try to push the code to gitlab, the build is failed because of above error.
Did i miss something or i dont know, last week everything is working good.

When i try to push the code to gitlab, the build is failed because of above error.
Did i miss something or i dont know, last week everything is working good.

Show your code

Hi @damingerdai
I am only installed ng-apexcharts and apexcharts alone, i am not importing apxchartsmodule also, just install two apexcharts library alone, but that also i got error in gitlab like below.

If I import module, then i am getting below error

what's ng version

Hi @damingerdai
Here it is ng version

check your loke file,
you do not use ng-apexcharts 1.6.0,

please use:

    "apexcharts": "3.31.0",
    "ng-apexcharts": "1.6.0",

you look like using 1.8.0

Hi @damingerdai
Thanks for the input now its working when I change the library version from **^**1.6.0 to **~**1.6.0.
Thanks for the your input and time