
Can't create secondary mongodb connection

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Tests failing - https://github.com/apexskier/httpauth/blob/mjhall-mongodb/mongoBackend_test.go#L70

The intent of this test is to connect to an existing mongoldb with saved data and pull correct info out of it.

I'm puzzled, where are driverName and driverInfo coming from? Did you mean url and db?

(side note: Close is never called on the mgo Sessions)

Ha, that's the code from the sql tests, I forgot to change over. I suppose it should defer a close as well. That's probably why this is broken.

Fixed, though I'm not positive the session's being closed properly. I can't use a defer anywhere more, unless the session is stored in the MongodbAuthBackend struct (maybe?).

Looking at the mgo docs, I believe you'd have better performances storing the mgo.Session in the MongodbAuthBackend struct (but you must add Close() method to it that'd call Close() on the mgo.Session) and have connect() call Copy() on the stored session.

Also, your added defer session.Close() in NewMongodbBackend can error as mgo.Dial returns a nil session when there's an error.

And each method calling connect() should defer closing the session, e.g.

c, err := b.connect()
if err != nil {
defer c.Database.Session.Close()

(as a side note, are you sure this if err != nil { panic(err) } is an idiomatic Go pattern? shouldn't it be a return err instead?)

Cool that all makes sense. Yes, the panics should be phased out for sure.