
Change label position

tony123S opened this issue · 17 comments

The label now is displayed vertically. It is possible to displayed horizontally?

I want change the legend position to top, and displayed the label horizontally.


You can switch off labels and can define your own widgets for legends

Is 3.1.1 is the latest? I paste pie_chart.dart to my project but get

Compiler message:
../../flutter_linux_v1.5.4-hotfix.2-stable.tar%20(1)/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/pie_chart-3.1.1/lib/src/pie_chart.dart:152:15: Error: No named parameter with the name 'formatChartValues'.
formatChartValues: widget.formatChartValues

Yes moving from 2.x.x to 3.x.x breaking changes in syntax were introduced. You have to make some minor changes if you want . to upgrade

Thanks for your reply.

I have modified pie_chart.dart and now I want to roll it back to the previous version. So I paste pie_chart.dart from github again, but get the error message.

I have checked the version in pub.yaml, it is 3.1.1.

no just add pie_chart: 2.0.0 . The error will go away

May be the code on master branch got break, just use above version

But if I downgrade the version, I can't use chartValueBackgroundColor ,legendPosition chartType....

can you share a quick gist of code? Let me fix it quickly

Try changing versions.
Sorry for inconvinice will fix it up asap and provide release

You know what are the issues? Do you still need me to share the code?

Okay let me test it on my own and get back to you


You were copy pasting stuffs thats why you might have missed the function.
Paste both pie_chart and chart painter dart class

v3.1.1 is working fine. No issues

Sorry for that. I'm so careless..

Glad issue is resolved. Please close it if it works fine.
