
Pie chart show only half

tony123S opened this issue · 1 comments

Pie chart only show half if dataMap consists of only one value.

                () => (snapshot.data[0].abc.data
          centerText: snapshot.data[0].totalNo.toString(),
         dataMap: dataMap,
         animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 800),
         chartRadius: 200,
         showChartValuesInPercentage: true,
         showChartValues: true,
        showChartValuesOutside: true,
         chartValueBackgroundColor: Colors.grey[200],
         colorList: colorList,
        showLegends: true,
        chartType: ChartType.ring,

A number of fixes have been made on master branch. Please check LIVE https://apgapg.github.io/pie_chart/