
XML Files Not Copying

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Using phonegap and using "phonegap local build android" does not cause the glass.xml, app_launch_voice_trigger.xml, or styles.xml files to copy to the needed locations and causes a build error. Other items from the build, however, seem to transfer just fine (i.e. if I copy those 3 files into their intended final spots it builds fine again).

I am running PhoneGap ver 3.4.0-0.19.17 and do not see this issue.

I run the following commands to test

Actually I see what you might have been doing. Did you delete your android project from inside the platforms folder?

If so you need to make sure to trash android.json from the plugins folder also or you will get this error as PhoneGap will think it already copied those files.

Precisely right. Thank you!