
Redis Dockerfiles (docker.io) for standalone (master), replication (slave) and sentinel setup.

Three docker.io Dockerfile's (Ubuntu:14.04) for any Redis setup involving some or all instances of: #####— standalone (master) #####— replication / mirroring (slave) #####— health checker and switch (sentinel) *

             _/ \_
           _|     |_
          /         \ 
Redis-Master <--> Redis-Slave
          \_       _/
    	    |_   _|
              \ /

Building & running: Standalone, Master & Slave

#####Build & execution instructions are noted at the bottom of each Dockerfile. Begin by building the redis-base image which will be used by all three instances:

you@some-machine:~/redis-dockers$ \
docker build -t vigour/redis-base .

Confirm redis-base is built & runs from prompt (--rm flag to test & remove):

you@some-machine:~/redis-dockers$ \
sudo docker run -it --rm --name=redis-base vigour/redis-base

root@ffaaccee00ff:/# redis-server 
root@ffaaccee00ff:/# exit

Thereafter all other images may be built by repeating the build process within the directory of required images:

cd redis-master && docker build -t vigour/redis-master . && cd ..
cd redis-slave  && docker build -t vigour/redis-slave . && cd ..
cd redis-sentinel  && docker build -t vigour/redis-sentinel . && cd ..

Each redis-slave requires linkage with its related redis-master by way of docker --link parameter referencing container:id such as:

docker run --link=redis0:redis_master -P --detach --name=redis0_slave vigour/redis-slave

A temporary redis-base can also be run linked to a master or a slave instance for the purposes of using the redis prompt utility redis-cli


Before building the redis-sentinel edit / Adjust Dockerfile to include the IP & PORT of at least one redis-master:

#change conditions & ports as needed from 6379 to ...
RUN echo "port 6380" > /etc/redis/sentinel.conf
RUN echo "sentinel monitor mymaster 6379 2" >> /etc/redis/sentinel.conf
RUN echo "sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 60000" >> /etc/redis/sentinel.conf
RUN echo "sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 180000" >> /etc/redis/sentinel.conf
RUN echo "sentinel parallel-syncs mymaster 1" >> /etc/redis/sentinel.conf

Running redis-sentinel must be provided either announcment-ip & / or announcment-port. If the default port is not used:

docker run -p 26380:26380 vigour/redis-sentinel --sentinel announce-ip --sentinel announce-port 26380

Due accrediation, for tutorials & other related material referenced: