
HashiCorp Packer Template for building an AWS AMI of Ubuntu with NGiNX

Primary LanguageShell

HashiCrop packer Template for AWS EBS AMI Ubuntu 18 with NGiNX

This repo contains a packer template for building an AWS EBS-backed AMI of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (aka bionic-beaver) which includes a NGiNX http server.


Ensure that you already have Packer installed & working - obviously an AWS account with an appropriate IAM role & tokens will also be needed (:unlock:) .


Make changes as required; thereafter commence with build using packer CLI providing AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables inline (as exemplified below) or otherwise setting them prior to invoking packer build:

packer validate aws-ubuntu18lts-nginx.json
 # if output: Template validated successfully.
 # then build:

packer build aws-ubuntu18lts-nginx.json

On success - the resulting output should indicate the produced AMI ID & name produced - eg:

==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> ubuntu18.04_nginx64: AMIs were created:
us-east-1: ami-0e193d0c4cf2f6ad5


The source base Ubuntu AMI extended herein are in AWS us-east-1 and were already provided by Canonical Ltd (may be found listed at-this-link); AMI-ID's for different regions of interest to you can be found therein.

Network (VPC, SG) and SSH consideration should be made where intending to extending this template toward proper usage beyond a mere practise / training exercise. For example - associate_public_ip_address that's currently set will expose the EC2 instance over public / WAN IP during the build stages (before auto termination) and what's more no ssh_keypair_name or ssh_private_key_file are set (typical use cases) - for more information see the Packer - AMI Builder (EBS backed) - documentation

SSH Username and Installation may be extended by way of cloudinit user-data and a commented template (os-cc-ud.sh) is already included as example; if you wish to use a custom SSH Username (instead of default ubuntu) or if you'd like to have applications installed as part of the the user-data (instead of provisioners) then uncomment sections and thereafter remove or adjust the correlating portions from aws-ubuntu18lts-nginx.json template.

Reference & Credits:

Some material re-used from: