
A Vagrantfile demonstrating Utimaco HSM simulator intended for integration with Vault.

Primary LanguageShell

HashiCorp vagrant demo of vault with Utimaco HSM Simulator.

A mock Vagrantfile of Utimaco HSM Simulator (aka Cryptoserver CP5) intended for integration with Vault.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: You must register with Utimaco to obtain an evaluation of CP5 Simulator. ⚠️


  • RAM 1-2+ Gb Free minimum & more if using Consul (dont hit SWAP either or stay < 100Mb).
  • CPU 1-2+ Cores Free minimum (2 or more per vm) & more if using Consul.
  • Network interface allowing IP assignment and interconnection in VirtualBox bridged mode for all instances.
    • adjust sNET='en0: Wi-Fi (Wireless)' in Vagrantfile to match your system.
  • Virtualbox with Virtualbox Guest Additions (VBox GA) & Vagrant correctly installed.
  • 🔒 IMPORTANT: A Vault enterprise license is needed for both HSM Support. BY DEFAULT: not setting a valid license (in vault_license.txt) is possible for trail / evaluation purposes only using older unsupported versions of 1.7.10 with a limit of 29 minutes per node (warning messages should be apparent throughout before auto-sealing after). 🔒

Usage & Workflow

Place the archived simulator file (CryptoServerCP5-SupportingCD-V5.1.1.1.zip) in the directory vm_files/.

Refer to the contents of Vagrantfile & directory: cc.os.user-input for complete details.

vagrant up ;
# // ... output of provisioning steps.

vagrant global-status ; # should show running nodes
  # id       name        provider   state   directory
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # 11701be  centos-vault1             virtualbox running  /Users/auser/hashicorp.vagrant_vault-hsm_utimaco_simulator

# // On a separate Terminal session check status of HSM & vault
vagrant ssh ;
  # ...

#vagrant@centos-vault1:~$ \
csadm GetState
csadm ListFirmware
csadm ListUser
p11tool2 ListSlots=Status
cxitool LogonPass=USR_0003,1234 Spec=1 Group=SLOT_0003 KeyInfo
cxitool LogonPass=USR_0003,1234 Spec=2 Group=SLOT_0003 KeyInfo
vault status
# vault ...
# // running:
# // results in:
  # {"errors":["1 error occurred:\n\t* failed to read random bytes: unable to fill provided buffer with entropy: failed to read random bytes: unable to fill provided buffer with entropy: error initializing session for reading random bytes: error logging in to HSM: pkcs11: 0x100: CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN\n\n"]}

# // without 'entropy "seal" {' in /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl
# // or disabling it does not result in any errors as per video demo
sudo grep 'entropy "seal" {' -A2 /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl
  # entropy "seal" {
  #	mode = "augmentation"
