
API Specifications Weekly - March 21st, 2022

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This is a weekly public meeting to discuss the top API specifications, including, but not limited to OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, JSON Schema, GraphQL, gRPC, and Websockets. Discuss ideas on how we can better cross-pollinate information across the communities, develop common extensions, as well as tooling, collections, and other resources that benefit the community.


  • Updates - Doc provides the updates across specs from the week.
  • OpenAPI - Review the projects currently occurring as part of OAI operations, the future of the marketing meeting, and any other relevant items.
  • AsyncAPI - Talk about how we can better showcase what they are doing, follow their lead, and energize other areas based upon what is happening.
    • 3.0 - The next version is heavily being worked upon.
  • JSON Schema - Understand how we invest more in JSON Schema, but also vocabularies for AsyncAPI and OpenAPI, but also forms and others.
    • Hiring - Community, developer, and wider.
  • GraphQL - Doc will be full-time on GraphQL beginning in 2 weeks.
  • API Spec Toolbox - Keep this in the conversation so we can make sure and use it as the central gathering for this work and discussion.
    • Workspace - Where automation for the space is happening.
  • Workshops - Produce 101 series curriculum for training and workshops.
    • OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, JSON Schema, GraphQL, gRPC
    • AsyncAPI Training - They are building training and curriculum.
  • ASC - The API Specifications Conference, event, sponsorship, program.

Please add any agenda items you’d like to discuss below, and we will meet weekly, and push forward projects, stories, collections, and tools to support our work.


  • March 21st, 2022 - 8:00 AM PST
  • Zoom