
API Specifications Weekly - May 2nd, 2022

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This is a weekly public meeting to discuss the top API specifications, including, but not limited to OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, JSON Schema, GraphQL, gRPC, and Websockets. Discuss ideas on how we can better cross-pollinate information across the communities, develop common extensions, as well as tooling, collections, and other resources that benefit the community.


  • Updates - Doc provides the updates across specs from the week.
  • OpenAPI - Review the projects currently occurring as part of OAI operations, the future of the marketing meeting, and any other relevant items.
    • Marketing (Repo)
    • Gluecon - Conference and booth.
    • Tooling (Repo) (Kanban)
    • Education Resources - Phil Sturgeon and Jack Skinner working on OpenAPI.dev.
  • AsyncAPI - Talk about how we can better showcase what they are doing, follow their lead, and energize other areas based upon what is happening.
  • JSON Schema - Understand how we invest more in JSON Schema, but also vocabularies for AsyncAPI and OpenAPI, but also forms and others.
  • GraphQL - Updates from the world of GraphQL, sharing what is happening with that community.
  • API Spec Toolbox - Keep this in the conversation so we can make sure and use it as the central gathering for this work and discussion.
    • Workspace - Where automation for the space is happening.
    • Community Rep - Managing this meeting with organization now.
  • Workshops - Produce 101 series curriculum for training and workshops.
    • OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, JSON Schema, GraphQL, gRPC
    • AsyncAPI Training - They are building training and curriculum.
  • ASC - The API Specifications Conference, event, sponsorship, program.
    • Event Description
    • Program
    • Sponsorship

Please add any agenda items you’d like to discuss below, and we will meet weekly, and push forward projects, stories, collections, and tools to support our work.