
Resource Groups deprecation/removal

MichielDeMey opened this issue · 2 comments


When will Resource Groups (now deprecated) be removed from the spec?
I noticed it's still used a lot throughout the open-source community, so I assume it will be for version 1B?


zdne commented

Hey @MichielDeMey no ETA yet. We want to support is as long as needed / used however we want to migrate towards a more general way of categorization (grouping) of elements in a future. So while in a sense the resource groups will go, the functionality of grouping should stay there – it will be only replaced by a more generic "grouping element".

As of 2015-12-02 the API Blueprint AST is deprecated and should not be used for new development. The API Blueprint AST has been superseded by API Description Refract Namespace.

You can still get the API Blueprint AST from the parser by passing the appropriate option but please understand that we will not be maintaining it anymore.