
`useAccount()` returns empty `address` in `useEffect()` after auto connect on page load

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Version: "@starknet-react/core": "^3.6.2"
Using the Argent Chrome extension

There appears to be an issue on page load when updating the account address with the useAccount() hook. Specifically, the wallet correctly connects and the connected connector updates, but the wallet address cannot be read from the account object returned from the useAccount() hook. If the wallet is not connected on page load and I manually call connect() from the useConnect() hook, account.address initializes properly. Additionally, the address variable returned directly from the useAccount() hook updates regardless of how the connector is initialized, but account.address updates to a blank string when automatically connecting on page load.


useEffect(() => {
  console.log("Account address: " + account?.address);
}, [account]);


useEffect(() => {
  console.log("Account address: " + account?.address);
}, [account?.address]);

Console log in react strict mode (useEffects run twice):

Account address: undefined
Account address: undefined
Account address: 
Account address: 

Note that the wallet automatically connects to trigger the account.address value change from undefined to a blank string.

The AccountInterface object from starknet.js still has the address field but it's not populated by wallets. I recommend using the address value returned by useAccount.