
The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type object

qite-poper opened this issue · 5 comments

									"name": "xxx",
									"request": {
										"method": "POST",
										"header": [],
										"body": {
											"mode": "formdata",
											"formdata": [
													"key": "file",
													"description": "required",
													"type": "file",
													"src": []
										"url": {
											"raw": "xxx",
											"host": [
											"path": [
									"response": []

The default value is of src is []. If I replace it with a string, then the postman-to-k6 will work fine.

Linked to #28

Correct, currently the postman-to-k6 library is not fully capable of handling "files".
I still have to investigate if this is a bug or feature.

I think it is a bug of Postman.

hi @qite-poper

We just released v.18.7 of postman-to-k6, which introduces the support for file uploads.
The conversion from Postman uploads can take various shapes, so I tried to bring support for the binary upload.

If the issue is resolved, feel free to close this item.
Let me know if you have other use cases or run into other issues.

Hi @thim81
I have the same problem with my collection
