
Won't run: Form item missing type (file)

hopeseekr opened this issue · 3 comments

I get this when I run it:

$ postman-to-k6 api.postman.json
Form item missing type (file)

NodeJS v16.18.1
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Hi @hopeseekr ,

The postman-to-k6 converter does not properly support file uploads.
We had started with adding the capability, but due to some limited available time not made enough progress to release the feature.

It is still on the feature list and it will come, don't know when at this time.

hi @hopeseekr

We just released v.18.7 of postman-to-k6, which introduces the support for file uploads.
The conversion from Postman uploads can take various shapes, so I tried to bring support for the binary upload.
Let me know if you have other use cases or run into other issues.

@hopeseekr If the issue is resolved, feel free to close this item.