
apify create "Error: Unexpected Token '?'"

junwang-wish opened this issue · 1 comments

I followed apify local dev tutorial but failed at first step, is it expected?

vscode@407fc9357ef8:/workspaces/query_understanding_data/data/apify_scrape$ apify
Apify command-line interface helps you create, develop, build and run Apify actors, and manage the Apify cloud platform.

  apify-cli/0.9.0 linux-x64 node-v12.22.12

  $ apify [COMMAND]

  actor    Commands are designed to be used in actor runs. All commands are in PoC state, do not use in production environments.
  secrets  Manages secret values for actor environment variables.

  actor    Commands are designed to be used in actor runs. All commands are in PoC state, do not use in production environments.
  call     Runs a specific actor remotely on the Apify cloud platform.
  create   Creates a new actor project directory from a selected boilerplate template.
  info     Displays information about the currently active Apify account.
  init     Initializes a new actor project in an existing directory.
  login    Logs in to your Apify account using a provided API token.
  logout   Logs out of your Apify account.
  push     Uploads the actor to the Apify platform and builds it there.
  run      Runs the actor locally in the current directory by executing "npm start".
  secrets  Manages secret values for actor environment variables.
  vis      Validates INPUT_SCHEMA.json file and prints errors found.

vscode@407fc9357ef8:/workspaces/query_understanding_data/data/apify_scrape$ apify create my-new-actor
Error: Unexpected token '?'
B4nan commented

Upgrade your node version, v12 is no longer supported, that version reached end of life already.

The CLI states v12 should be supported, but that is kinda irrelevant, as both apify sdk and crawlee (the tools you will install with the CLI) require node 16.