
Admin unable to perform tasks

davidlara-abb opened this issue · 2 comments


Login as Admin, i cannot install a new module or update a module

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. pull the image of ghcr.io/apigee/docker-apigee-drupal-kickstart:latest
  2. once is the image is running login with the default admin credentials
  3. navigate to extend
  4. click on install new module or update

Actual Behavior

the page show: You are not authorized to access this page.
in the console we can read: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
be able to install a module, in my use case the google social api

Expected Behavior

be able to extend the functionality installing, uninstalling and updated packages




i'm new in drupal
i already set the setting allow_authorize_operations to TRUE in settings.php

Version Info

the hash of the image i'm running is: c39c4199d4f9

@davidlara-abb that docker image is a reference of how you can setup your own container.

In Drupal, You typically add your module as a dependency in the composer.json file.

Here is what I would recommend you try:

  1. Clone the repository https://github.com/apigee/docker-apigee-drupal-kickstart
  2. Copy an initial version of default kickstart composer file to the code directory.
  3. Add you dependency of the module you want to the composer.json file using 'composer require drupal/<module_name>'
  4. Now when you build your own container it should have the new module.
  5. Use your own container image in the deployment.

If using docker-compose to test, comment out this line from docker-compose.yml to build your container locally.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the response!
I'm still working on this. I have no experience on Drupal.
I'm facing other issues following your response.
But I trust in your solution!