
An upload service that allows files to be uploaded to either AWS or GCP with build in virus file scan functionality

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


File uploader service for GCS and S3


Create a .env file in the root directory witht the following variables

GCP_PROJECT_ID=<GCP project id>
GCS_BUCKET_NAME=<GCS bucket name>
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AWS access key>
AWS_BUCKET_NAME=<AWS bucket name>

Install dependencies and start the server

  • npm install
  • npm run dev

If you are using a GCS bucket you must authenticate your machine via gcloud tools

If you are using an AWS bucket use the keys in the same way we currently use for the apex-api and if you need them reach out to Adam or Walker.

Install ClamAV

  • If this step holds you up just comment the method out in the index.ts

ClamAV is the Anitvirus scanner used to scan files before uploading


  • POST /upload/:cloudEnvironment/:bucketName

Optional fields:

  • uploadId: string type; Used to open a socket on a specific channel if you need to listen to the progress of the upload.
  • destination: string type: Used if you want the file in a sub directory on the bucket otherwise it will be sent to the root eg. {rootFolder}/{subFolder}. No slashes on either end.