
Improve generic feedback on pick-any questions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In pick-any questions (i.e., multiple checkboxes), it is often—always?—a good idea to give points only after the student has answered fully correctly (i.e., ticked all the right boxes), and to give zero points otherwise. However, students do sometimes assume that zero points means “nothing’s correct”; moreover, they sometimes expect to get partial credit.

IMO, it would be a good idea to insert an additional feedback bullet on pick-anys, to be displayed whenever a student’s answer is partially correct (i.e., something was right, but not everything). Maybe something like this: “Fully correct answers are awarded with a small number of points; the question is meant as a whole, so no partial points are given. A zero score does not mean that nothing in your answer was correct.”

Are you interested in the already existing partial points setting?

partial-points under pick-any

Are you interested in the already existing partial points setting?

https://github.com/apluslms/a-plus-rst-tools/blob/master/README.md#2-graded-questionnaire partial-points under pick-any

Personally, I’m not a fan of partial points for pedagogical reasons, although they make sense in some contexts (and students do like getting partial scores rather than zeros) . I am considering using partial-points here and there but not as the default.

This issue has been fixed in a PR in MOOC-Grader:

What do you think about it @jsorva?