
Automated enumeration for pick-any questions

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Currently, the feedback for pick-any questions is provided in a bulleted list. If a student receives feedback on multiple options, it can be difficult to identify which feedback refers to what choice. This can be tested with following examples.

.. pick-any:: 10
	Which of the following sentences **are not** topic generalizations?

	1. Precipitation can be divided into three classes: liquid, freezing and frozen precipitation.
	2. At low frequencies, the most common alternatives for absorbing sound include membranes and perforated panels.
	*3. In recent years, the number of mobile devices connected to the Internet has increased rapidly.
	4. Impedance refers to the ratio between pressure and particle velocity at any point in a porous material.
	*5. Recently, active noise cancellation (ANC) has been proposed as a solution to the occlusion effect in hearing aids and headphones [4],[5].

	1 § ``Sorry``, but this is not a topic generalization because it uses classification-division to describe the topic:
	2 § ``Sorry``, but this a topic generalization because it presents examples.
	3 § **Yes**, this sentence is not a generalization, but rather a centrality claim.
	4 § ``Sorry``, definitions are a typical feature of topic generalization.
	5 § **Yes**, this sentence is reporting previous research, not making a topic generalization.

This confusion can be avoided by manually adding letters or numbers as identifiers, such as a: and b:.

.. pick-any:: 10
	Which of the following sentences **are not** topic generalizations?

	1. a: Precipitation can be divided into three classes: liquid, freezing and frozen precipitation.
	2. b: At low frequencies, the most common alternatives for absorbing sound include membranes and perforated panels.
	*3. c: In recent years, the number of mobile devices connected to the Internet has increased rapidly.
	4. d: Impedance refers to the ratio between pressure and particle velocity at any point in a porous material.
	*5. e: Recently, active noise cancellation (ANC) has been proposed as a solution to the occlusion effect in hearing aids and headphones [4],[5].

	1 § a: ``Sorry``, but this is not a topic generalization because it uses classification-division to describe the topic:
	2 § b: ``Sorry``, but this a topic generalization because it presents examples.
	3 § c: **Yes**, this sentence is not a generalization, but rather a centrality claim.
	4 § d: ``Sorry``, definitions are a typical feature of topic generalization.
	5 § e: **Yes**, this sentence is reporting previous research, not making a topic generalization.

However, the enumeration could be automated. This would reduce the amount of typing and keeps the rst source simpler.

.. pick-any:: 10
    :enumerate: numeric, alphabet

The teacher could decide if the options are enumerated using numeric format or alphabet format. The alphabet format is illustrated in the example above. If enumerate has not been defined, the default bulleted lists are used instead.

PR #62


Markku Riekkinen:
This would benefit both pick-any and pick-one questions. It could be simpler to just render the choice key in the HTML for both the question choices and the hints so that the students can easily see which hint is connected to which choice. Is there any reason not to use the choice keys directly (in the example, the keys are 1-5)?