
Upgrade Django from 1.9 to 2.2

markkuriekkinen opened this issue · 1 comments

Upgrade the Django version from 1.9 to 2.2. This requires some code changes since some Django APIs change. Upgrading is useful for improving the security of the system and new development may benefit from new Django features.

About MOOC-Grader Python: Currently, the new Python 3.8 or 3.9 would cause issues in the RST compilation with Sphinx and that is why we downgraded to Python 3.5. In addition, mooc-grader's old Django 1.9 does not support new Python versions. At least the release notes of Django 1.9 only declare Python 3.5 (it was probably the newest Python at that time). Luckily, Django 2.2 LTS supports Python 3.5 and up to 3.9. Django 2.2 drops out of security maintenance in April 2022, thus we might need to upgrade all (A+, mooc-grader, mooc-jutut, radar) Django systems in the autumn 2021. The next Django LTS 3.2 will be released in the April 2021.