
Bot messages not presenting any content

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, trialing out the bot.

I've added it to a Fresh Discord server, no changes to permissions/roles and installed the bot.

Entered commands seem to trigger a bot response, but nothing is showing in the message:


Thanks for flagging this issue.
First thing I would try is just kicking and re-adding the bot.
Also can you tell me the name of your server so I can check in my message logs?

I just tested out the same steps as you: created a new server, added the bot, and got a response. (image below)
Screen Shot 2021-01-03 at 9 12 20 AM

I do see some errors in the log that are related to "missing permissions":
Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 9 12 28 AM

But there are also places where the bot is logging correctly sent messages, like here:
Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 9 12 58 AM

Because I can't replicate the error on my own servers, the only thing I can suggest is check your discord permissions, or try adding the bot to a different server and see if the issue persists.

Invited a friend onto a new server, and the messages are showing for them, so narrowed down to something my end.

Turns out that because I have the 'Link Preview' disabled from my text settings, the messages from bot's don't necessarily show, but as I've never been on a server with bots before, it's never been an issue.


If there's anyway to make apocabot messages work with that setting disabled, it'd be nice, but if not, then feel free to close this down :)

Thanks for investigating!