
README.md incomplete install command

0xebjc opened this issue · 1 comments


The install directions first command states:
git clone https://github.com/soaringk/gdb-peda-pwndbg-gef.git ~/

This does not create the directory "~/gdb-peda-pwndbg-gef" and throws the error:
fatal: destination path '/home/user' already exists and is not an empty directory.

Running the following command it creates the directory "~/gdb-peda-pwndbg-gef"
git clone https://github.com/soaringk/gdb-peda-pwndbg-gef.git ~/gdb-peda-pwndbg-gef

Steps to reproduce

make sure "~/gdb-peda-pwndbg-gef" does not exist, then run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/soaringk/gdb-peda-pwndbg-gef.git ~/


Update the README.md on the first install command to say

git clone https://github.com/soaringk/gdb-peda-pwndbg-gef.git ~/gdb-peda-pwndbg-gef

andrewbae fixed this issue and it was merged by apogiatzis, thanks for the fix!
