
dotnet使用apollo的时候 发布配置项是json格式的数据,但是请求这个配置的时候获取数据乱码

Closed this issue · 5 comments

出现好多\u0022 而且不是json数据了 DbConfiguration配置的值未JSON类型,返回的信息中是字符串


To address the issue of garbled JSON formatted configuration items when fetched using Apollo in a .NET application, consider the following targeted steps:

  1. Check Content-Type: Ensure the server sets the Content-Type header to application/json to help the browser interpret the fetched content correctly.

  2. Verify Character Encoding: Confirm that the character encoding is set to UTF-8 on both the server-side and within the HTML meta tags to prevent encoding issues.

  3. Debug Minified Code: Utilize source maps in your development environment to debug minified JavaScript, allowing you to map the code back to its original source for easier issue identification.

  4. Inspect Network Traffic: Use the browser's developer tools to inspect the network traffic and check the raw response from the server, ensuring the JSON is not garbled before client-side processing.

  5. Review Apollo Client Configuration: If using Apollo Client in the .NET backend, ensure its configuration is correctly set up to handle JSON content types and review its interaction with the server or response caching.

  6. Server-Side Checks: Ensure Apollo Server with .NET correctly returns JSON objects without inadvertent modification or corruption before sending to the client.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, providing more details about the exact error message or behavior observed, along with the structure of the garbled JSON object, will help in identifying a more specific solution.


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  1. 配置返回的是 string,在 client 端根据自己的需要做转换
  2. \u0022 应该是原始配置中就有的,可以复制出来查看下
  1. 配置返回的是 string,在 client 端根据自己的需要做转换
  2. \u0022 应该是原始配置中就有的,可以复制出来查看下

host.ConfigureAppConfiguration(app => app

  1. 配置返回的是 string,在 client 端根据自己的需要做转换
  2. \u0022 应该是原始配置中就有的,可以复制出来查看下

上午好:经过检查确认,原始配置中配置的是正确的json格式 另外我们使用的是官方提供的SDK自动请求的,用client客户端手动转换,需要改动多处代码 使用框架为以下内容 .net6.0框架 nuget包:Com.Ctrip.Framework.Apollo.Configuration 注入代码: host.ConfigureAppConfiguration(app => app .AddApollo(configuation.GetSection("apollo")) ); 这个是程序启动入口,直接注入apollo的配置,由sdk自动完成请求并注入程序配置

duplicated with #240