⚠️ This project is being deprecated ⚠️
hwillson opened this issue · 2 comments
Apollo Client 2.5 is going to be released very shortly, and will include integrated local state handling capabilities. The functionality offered by apollo-link-state
will be included in the Apollo Client core, which means this project/repository will be deprecated. For those interested in trying out the new integrated local state features of AC, see apollographql/apollo-client#4155 (the changes are currently available via apollo-client@alpha
and react-apollo@alpha
). We're still in alpha, but will be cutting over to beta soon (so if you have any feedback, please add your comments in apollographql/apollo-client#4155). Thanks all!
How breaking would be these changes? If I start implementing my project's local state with apollo-link-state today, would I be forced to rewrite it with new version of apollo client or API isn't going to change formidably? (Or alpha version is usable?)