
Is there a way to overridde the checkAndParseHttpResponse method?

terribleuserofapollo opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using apollo-link (v 1.2.3), as well as apollo-link-http (v 1.5.5)

I'm creating a combination of httpLink and Apollo link in my service(gateway) in order to communicate with my underlying micro-service. My micro-service returns response in the GraphQL format.

However for large responses, it is taking a long time to return the response. I narrowed down the issue being a JSON.parse() being called for the response from the microservice.

Is there a way to avoid the JSON.parse() which is done in parseAndCheckHttpResponse(operation) at line 7, since the underlying service will always return JSON format?

return new Observable(observer => {
      fetcher(chosenURI, options)
        .then(response => {
          operation.setContext({ response });
          return response;
        .then(result => {
          return result;
        .catch(err => {
          if (err.name === 'AbortError') return;
          if (err.result && err.result.errors && err.result.data) {

Apologies for the formatting, this is my first post.
Thank you @dylanwulf for suggesting the edit.

To format multiple lines of code, surround the code with triple-backticks:

const hello = () => console.log('Hello world!');

You can also specify the language to get syntax highlighting:

const hello = () => console.log('Hello world!');


const hello = () => console.log('Hello world!');