
graphql/required-fields rule ignores presence of required field in spread fragment

fnune opened this issue · 7 comments

fnune commented

My configuration:

    'graphql/required-fields': [
        env: 'apollo',
        schemaJson: require('./schema.json'),
        requiredFields: ['id'],
        env: 'literal',
        schemaJson: require('./schema.json'),
        requiredFields: ['id'],

My query:

query Main {
  nestedField {

fragment NestedField on SomeType {

Expected result

No linter error.

Actual result

  2:3  error  'id' field required on 'nestedField'  graphql/required-fields

Apparently the required-fields rule doesn't account for fields included in a fragment.


It seems like field selection merging is part of the GraphQL specification: https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/draft/#sec-Field-Selection-Merging

So this is not really a bug per se but more a feature request to be more exhaustive in checking for the inclusion of required fiels in fragments.

Similar issue, using graphql-tag/loader with with a literal importing a fragment like this results in a required-fields error if requiredFields: ['id']:

#import "./MessageFragment.graphql"

mutation createMessage($input: MessageInput!) {
  createMessage(input: $input) {
fragment MessageFragment on Message {

Seems like it is the intended behaviour if I understand this comment properly:

// Every field that can have the field directly on it, should. It's not

fnune commented

I don't completely understand the comment, though. What does it mean for a fragment to cover all of the possible type options?

I guess when you have something like this in your fragment:

... on FirstType {

But the parent supports:

... on FirstType {

... on SecondType {


parent {
  ... on FirstType {

  ... on SecondType {

At least this is how I understand it.

fnune commented

I suppose a decision was taken not to implement checking fragments exhaustively to see if they include a required field.

Yeah I guess so, not sure how hard it would be to implement that though

fnune commented

It seems like field selection merging is part of the GraphQL specification: https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/draft/#sec-Field-Selection-Merging

So this is not really a bug per se but more a feature request to be more exhaustive in checking for the inclusion of required fiels in fragments.