
Add support for composing a federated graph.

patrickdronk opened this issue ยท 4 comments

I might be missing it, but is composing graphs to a gateway graph on the roadmap?

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹ Can you share more details about your use case? Are you looking for something like Apollo Router but for the JVM? Or something else?

I'm sorry, I should've given more context.
I wanted to build a simple schema registry, with a validation step for composing a supergraph.
The typescript @apollo/federation package has the composeAndValidate function. I was hoping this jvm had it as well. But I couldn't find it.

Thanks for the context! Indeed, you're right. There's no composition code in federation-jvm. I updated the title of this issue to keep track of the feature request.

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹
Thanks for raising this but unfortunately this functionality is not on our roadmap at the moment and we won't be tackling it in the foreseeable future. We'll re-open this issue if things change.