
TheActivityClass tests don't run on Android Studio

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frne commented

The ActivityClass Lab 2 Application works well, but the tests don't run. I get the following error:

Warning:Dependency Lab2_ActivityLabTest:Lab2_ActivityLab:unspecified on project Lab2_ActivityLabTest resolves to an APK archive which is not supported as a compilation dependency. File: /Users/frank/AndroidStudioProjects/Lab2_ActivityLabTest/Lab2_ActivityLab/build/outputs/apk/Lab2_ActivityLab-release-unsigned.apk

Is it possible to get the project working on Android Studio, or do I have to install Eclipse? Where are the Gradle build-files?

frne, could you please provide me info on solving this problem cause your link is unavailable now(

frne commented

@olg-chk OH, seems to be over a year old. I really don't have any Idea what it was...

BTW: AFAIK Android Studio has completely changed in the meantime, so the solution wouldn't work anyway. Sry ;)