Datta Able is a premium React Dashboard that provides a colorful and modern design. Datta Able React PRO is the most stylised React Free Admin Template, around all other admin templates in the market. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with fully developer-centric code. The product comes with Firebase integration.


  • Firebase Integration - Social Login (Google)
  • Modern aesthetics UI design - Designed by CodedThemes
  • React, Redux, Redux-persist


React Firebase Datta Able PRO - Open-source full-stack seed project crafted by CodedThemes and AppSeed.

How to use it

To use the product Node JS (>= 12.x) is required and GIT to clone/download the project from the public repository.

Step #1 - Clone the project (private repository)

$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/priv-react-firebase-datta-able-pro.git
$ cd priv-react-firebase-datta-able-pro

Step #2 - Install dependencies via NPM or yarn

$ npm i
// OR
$ yarn

Step #3 - Start in development mode

$ npm run start 
// OR
$ yarn start

Configure Firebase Credentials

App Settings as provided by the Firebase platform - src/config/constant.js

const config = {
    firebase: {                                               
        apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',                            # <-- YOUR DATA HERE
        authDomain: 'YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE',                    # <-- YOUR DATA HERE 
        projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',                      # <-- YOUR DATA HERE
        storageBucket: 'YOUR_STORAGE_BUCKET',              # <-- YOUR DATA HERE
        messagingSenderId: 'YOUR_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID',     # <-- YOUR DATA HERE
        appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',                              # <-- YOUR DATA HERE
        measurementId: 'YOUR_TRACKER_ID'                   # <-- YOUR DATA HERE

All above settings are provided by the Firebase platform. For more information, feel free to access Firebase official help:

React Firebase Datta PRO - Provided by CodedThemes and AppSeed App Generator.