
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Pathfinder – lightweight library that allows you to easily resolve URL's, depending on whatever environment, path parameters and query parameters are currently chosen. Our library also provides you the abilities of toggling between you Dev or Production servers or mocking responses conveniently through the UI.


  • Clone the Repo

  • Go to the Example folder

  • Run pod install

  • Open Pathfinder-Swift.xcworkspace file


Swift 4.0+

iOS 9.0+

Usage examples


Pathfinder is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Pathfinder-Swift'

Import Pathfinder to your project

import Pathfinder_Swift

Configure Pathfinder

Pathfinder configuration requires you to make only 3 following steps:

First step

To configure Pathfinder, you need to list all URL's you are going to use and possible parameters in the appropriate format – UrlSpec:

let urlSpec1 = UrlSpec(
    id: "auth",
    pathTemplate: "/auth/login",
    httpMethod: .get,
    tag: "auth",
    name: "Authentication",
    currentStoplightQueryParams: [:]

Second step

Describe all environments (servers) you are going to use in your project in appropriate format – PFEnvironment:

let devEnv = PFEnvironment(
    id: UUID(),
    name: "DEV",
    baseUrl: "dev.ru",
    queryParams: ["__code", "__example"]

Third step

Finally, configure shared or regular instance of Pathfinder, simply by calling configure() and passing in everything we've just defined.

    config: .init(
        specs: urlSpecs,
        environments: environments,
        initialEnvironmentIndex: 0

If you need to support multiple hosts with their own environments, create individual instance of Pathfinder for each of them.


Building URLs

To build an URL string you'll need to call buildUrl() method, passing in:

  • The required UrlSpec's Id

  • Path parameters – dictionary, which key is path parameter that could be found in endPoint (ex.: {sessionId} in auth/login/{sessionId})

  • QueryParameters – dictionary, which values will be placed like GET params

if let url = try? Pathfinder.shared.buildUrl(id: "auth", pathParameters: [:], queryParameters: [:]) {
    // Make URLRequest...
} else {
    // Error Handling...

Changing parameters with UI

To get UIViewController with Pathfinder interface, you'll need to call makeController()


Receiving changes

To receive a current Pathfinder configuration state whenever changes are made by the user, make your class conform to the PathfinderStateDelegate protocol. Then implement pathfinder(didReceiveUpdatedState state: PFState) function.

extension ViewController: PathfinderStateDelegate {
    func pathfinder(didReceiveUpdatedState state: PFState) {
        print("Pathfinder State received!")
        print("Current environment base url is: \(String(describing: state.currentEnvironment?.baseUrl))\n")

Changing environment parameter from code

If you need to force-change your environment parameter from code instead of doing it through UI, you may call setParamValue().

Pathfinder.shared.setParamValue(of: "__code", value: "400", for: "auth")


Some ideas here...


KODE slurm@kode.ru


Pathfinder is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.