
Tracker using deprecated, non-standard <bgsound> element?

oneofthedamons opened this issue · 2 comments

I will send an email with an unrecognised tracker, but of interest to me is the use of a element! I had to look it up (my web coding days are well and truly behind me):

        <span >
            <img src="https://[REDACTED].[REDACTED]"
                 style="border:none;width:1px;height:1px;outline: none;"/>
            <bgsound src="https://[REDACTED].[REDACTED]" volume="-10000"/>

So we're trying to include ultra-quiet background sounds as mail trackers now, are we? Presumably they think to get around the element being filtered? But looks like it's not supported by modern browsers anyway, so why bother?


Yep, good deduction.

But other than IE, Outlook and Windows Mail (2009? not sure about newer versions) apparently used to support and load the <bgsound> tag even if images were disabled. Maybe that company has been using the same HTML template in their emails from way back when and just hasn't bothered to change it.

Also captured the tracker in the email, thanks for your submission!