
Multiple collections not sync into the elasticsearch

monojitbarua opened this issue · 1 comments

My abc version is abc-0.8.0

Hi I have 30 different collections in mongo db. now when ever i am starting the abc api only one collection is getting inserted into elasticsearch index, not all the other collections.

Below is the command and transform file:
./abc-0.8.0 import --transform_file="syncmongodata_file.js" --src_type=mongodb --src_uri="mongodb://localhost:27017/DB1" "http://localhost:9200/index1"

t.Source("source", source, "/./").Save("sink", sink, "/./")

Is there anything i am missing or doing wrong? Please help me on this.
Thanks in Advance

@monojitbarua This might happen if you are using elasticsearch version 6 or above as multiple mongodb collections will be mapped to multiple types in an index. The solution here would be to either use elasticsearch version 5 or lower or you could index each collection into a separate index. The latest abc version should allow you index multiple collections to a single index under type _doc by default (for v6 and above). Feel free to reopen this issue if problem persists.