Does it work with Kibana ?
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I see this doesn't sit on top of the es unlike xpack or opendistro so I can not use
elasticsearch.username: and elasticsearch.password:
as mentioned in kibana docs
I tried to use basic auth by passing username and passwork in the url like http://foo:bar@arc:8000
but that didn't work.
Please let me know if it's possible to run it with Kibana ?
@saurabhPV If I understand correctly, the flow you're trying to use is:
[ Kibana ] --> [ Arc acts as a reverse proxy ] --> [ Elasticsearch ]
When you're setting elasticsearch.username and elasticsearch.password, are you also setting elasticsearch.hosts? The latter should point to the Arc host, it defaults to Elaticsearch host.
Thanks a lot @siddharthlatest for the quick response !
Like you said
[ Kibana ] --> [ Arc acts as a reverse proxy ] --> [ Elasticsearch ]
this is exactly I am trying to achieve. It would be really helpful to know if it is possible and what configuration do I need to do.
Yes I am using http://arc:8000
(- I am using docker and I am sure it resolves to correct service I have tried it from kibana container) as host url.
I have one more question regarding config do I need to do anything to configure logging ?
I queried es using
curl -XGET "http://foo:bar@localhost:8000/_search" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{ "query": { "match_all": {} }}'
and then I tried to view what type of log it generates using
curl --location --request GET 'http://foo:bar@localhost:8000/_logs/search'
In the response {"logs":[],"took":2,"total":0}
I don't see any log.
In the example response on the api doc
I don't see any user info is there a way to enable it ?
Logs are triggered for failed auth too?
@siddharthlatest I found out arc uses Fluentbit
(from this repo.) to ship log to elasticsearch. Could you please help me to configure it to use in this repo (I am facing issue in that approach as well)