Thingiverse objects not displayed
mot-liw opened this issue · 9 comments
The MMM-Thingiverse module on my system is not displaying the items from Thingiverse, I am not certain why.
The Pi 4b is running MM2 v2.14.0 and MMM-Thingiverse v1.1.1.
I am debugging with server only mode; in the browsers debug window it shows that the info/data from Thingiverse is being received, but it is not being displayed; I have also run MM2 in standard mode and no Thingiverse objects are displayed.
I have tested to insure my Thingiverse appKey is valid, as well as the browser debug data shows Thingiverse objects being received.
Server startup messages:
~/MagicMirror $ npm run server
magicmirror@2.14.0 server
node ./serveronly
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.602] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.14.0
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.612] [LOG] Loading config ...
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.618] [LOG] Loading module helpers ...
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.623] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock.
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.626] [LOG] No helper found for module: MMMM-Thingiverse.
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.627] [LOG] All module helpers loaded.
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.725] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ...
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.747] [LOG] Server started ...
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.748] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ...
[30.03.2021 07:53.50.748] [LOG]
Ready to go! Please point your browser to: http://localhost:8080
^C[30.03.2021 08:02.23.439] [LOG] [SIGINT] Received. Shutting down server...
Do you have any ideas why my system is not displaying the Thingiverse objects?
The config file attached is one that I removed all my other modules from, to check if there were some problem with other modules blocking things from being displayed.
modules: [
module: "clock",
position: "top_center"
module: 'MMMM-Thingiverse',
config: {
appToken: '######################################',
//updateinterval: 60601000,
//thingCount: 50,
//numThingsDisplayed: 5,
The attached screen shot shows the browser display and that Thingiverse objects are being received by the browser.
@mot-liw hmmmm this is very peculiar...
While you have dev tools open, can you see if the elements are being created properly in the html element inspector?
answers in reverse
the config is using the default update interval at this time, which looks to be 60000 (every 60 seconds)
I see this in the element inspector
<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/MMM-Thingiverse//MMM-Thingiverse.js"></script>I am not certain if this is what you are asking about to determine if the element is being properly created?
There is an odd '//' in the path, at least it's odd to me.
This is from the Element>Console
Translations loaded for: clock
loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-Thingiverse//MMM-Thingiverse.js
module.js:509 Check MagicMirror version for module 'MMM-Thingiverse' - Minimum version: 2.1.0 - Current version: 2.14.0
module.js:511 Version is ok!
module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-Thingiverse
loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Thingiverse
loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Thingiverse
loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Thingiverse/MMM-Thingiverse.css
loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Thingiverse
translator.js:110 MMM-Thingiverse - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json
loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Thingiverse
loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: css/custom.css
@mot-liw Hmmm I'm running MagicMirror V2.14 on my Ubuntu 20.04 Laptop.
Sorry, I was referring to this, are you able to see the HTML elements in the Element
tab of the Dev Tools?
This will help me determine whether or not the elements are being created.
@mot-liw i could be missing something but did you assign a position to the module? I don't see it in your initial comment config
I did not assign a position, I did not see the position attribute specified in the module's readme, so I thought that it was defaulting to the bottom bar. In my config I have commented out all module attributes except the appKey, trying to keep it simple. I see no errors in the console log that would indicate that it is unhappy with something.
@mot-liw ahh this is fair! I will update the readme to be more explicit.
If you assign it a position like so
modules: [
module: "clock",
position: "top_center"
module: 'MMMM-Thingiverse',
position: "bottom_bar",
config: {
appToken: '######################################',
//updateinterval: 60601000,
//thingCount: 50,
//numThingsDisplayed: 5,
Do you see the Thingiverse objects now?
Oh yea!, yes the fact that I had not provided a position was the issue, aka a skinware issue, I should have considered the position. Yes, a documentation update would be beneficial.
thx for your assistance
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