
Issue with URLs of the member profile pages

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As reported by a community member:

I tried to open a profile page of [[iwi]] or John Dethridge, but if I open it says "404".
John Dethridge:
Seems like user includes space, '[', ']', '(', ')' cannot open user page.

It looks to me, there are two problems: (1) username in the URL must be URL-encoded, (2) the user profile endpoint demands trailing /. These links work:

The best fix will be to update the routing inside topcoder-app, so that it redirects to the proper profile pages even if the incoming link violates (1) and/or (2).

@birdofpreyru which branch should I use?

Fixed by the commit 989654c
@ajefts Can I push it to prod? To do so, is it still enough just to merge the change into master, or should I also tag the change with a new version?