Appium Flutter Driver is a test automation tool for Flutter apps on multiple platforms/OSes. Appium Flutter Driver is part of the Appium mobile test automation tool maintained by community
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WebDriverError: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot connect to the Dart Observatory URL ws://
#758 opened by ihzul - 4
"Cannot connect to the Dart Observatory URL"
#756 opened by andrew-pillyze - 6
Is the readme file correct about finding by key
#754 opened by herby-naidz - 4
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Long Tap Functionality with Appium Python Client Not Working as Expected ('durationMilliseconds' of 'opts' is undefined.)
#750 opened by mafahn - 3
Encountered internal error running command: Error: No observatory URL matching to '/(Observatory listening on |An Observatory debugger and profiler on\s.+\sis available at: |The Dart VM service is listening on )((http|\/\/)[a-zA-Z0-9:/=_\-.\[\]]+)/' was found in the device log. Please make sure the application under test is configured properly according to and that it does not crash on startup.
#739 opened by ChandanMySelenium - 2
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{"value":{"error":"unknown method","message":"Method has not yet been implemented","stacktrace":"NotYetImplementedError: Method has not yet been implemented\n at FlutterDriver.executeCommand
#742 opened by ChandanMySelenium - 3
appium inspector not work
#744 opened by fauzisunarya - 0
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Appium 2.0 --> IOS Driver on iOS 17.7/18 Is Closing After 4-5 Test Cases
#738 opened by Manikantan1991 - 4
Hangs test execution due to flutter locater not present on screen or app/screen crashed
#733 opened by TestMagic0989 - 1
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Failed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: No observatory URL matching to '/(Observatory listening on |An Observatory debugger and profiler on\s.+\sis available at: |The Dart VM service is listening on )((http|\/\/)[a-zA-Z0-9:/=_\-.\[\]]+)/' was found in the device log. Please make sure the application under test is configured properly according to and that it does not crash on startup.
#731 opened by DianPermana - 1
Appium Inspector Fails to Connect to Flutter App Due to Dynamically Changing Dart Observatory URL
#728 opened by sai9133 - 8
driver.activeApp(appPackage) has error
#726 opened by thuonglai - 2
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Failed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined
#725 opened by YASWANTHCS20 - 1
method is not implemented For `scrollUntilTapable` or `scrollUntilVisible`
#723 opened by ytrezkioksa - 4
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pageBack() not working
#668 opened by anu-rachel - 2
add a new observatory url pattern?
#690 opened by KazuCocoa - 1
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Getting timeout on a flutter driver command
#673 opened by veydecapia - 7
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I am trying to automate flutter app using flutter finder and java. I am getting unknown locator for each and every flutter element.
#712 opened by Maheshbabu78 - 3
How to validate text value of the TextFormField?
#682 opened by Vladeezyy - 2
I am trying to automate flutter app using flutter finder. I am getting unknown locator for each and every flutter element. [io.github.ashwith.flutter.FlutterElement@484658fd -> unknown locator] [io.github.ashwith.flutter.FlutterElement@c26b6255 -> unknown locator] see here I am not able to differenticate element using this details. Here i am not getting nosuchelementexception in flutter finder.
#711 opened by Maheshbabu78 - 1
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getWidgetDiagnostics method can't working ?
#710 opened by pornpawit08 - 4
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issue closed
#699 opened by canibal1 - 2
WaitFor is returning true when widget is rendered but not yet visable on screen
#696 opened by jfortier882 - 2
Unable to start WebDriverAgent session because of xcodebuild failure: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not proxy command to the remote server. Original error: connect ECONNREFUSED
#674 opened by mazis0 - 0
Actions Not Working on some elements with WebdriverIO and Appium-Flutter-Driver
#691 opened by KasunYapa96 - 1
flutter:scrollIntoView always scrolls inner most ListView and scrolls indefinitely
#679 opened by dlewis2017 - 3
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Flutter 2.5 upgraded to Flutter 3.X.X breaks testing with appium-flutter-driver
#687 opened by HermansJarno - 3
Andriod Automation TouchAction issue
#684 opened by Gudibanda-Suresh - 0
Unknown mobile command "flutter:checkHealth"
#683 opened by pranay289 - 5
Flutter driver "doctor" checks and errors out for xcode on non mac platforms
#680 opened by zaphodikus - 3
Could not find 'apksigner.jar
#678 opened by Potterjr - 8
WDArunner failed to built on real device through XCode - [iProxy@00008110:8100] Connection was refused to port 8100
#676 opened by fantagaro - 0
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