
Unexpected errors: Path setting for Android Virtual Device failed even after setting path based on Shell

Pavel2Bambuch opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Is this an issue specifically with Appium Inspector?

  • I have verified that my issue does not occur with Appium, and should be investigated as an Appium Inspector issue

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

I m getting output of errors while I am trying to log in on Virtual Android device, even after setting up all credentials based on PowerShell gathered datas.
And even when I have setted up almostly all possibe credentials, then my ouput is "client of null", which I don't clearly understand why is it that.
Screen of output.

Expected Behavior

Succesfully log in and inspect elements on virtaul device application for further works.

Operating System


Appium Inspector Version


Appium Version


Further Information

From logs you can easilly read all datas needed to check out activities of virtual device.

apk path
Apk path gained from PowerShell which should have be always to base.apk

JSON for Appium Inspector
Right side for settled JSON credentials.

Client null? What Client should have I add more? Should have I add address of Virtual device even if it is running on the same local IP address and server?

The app capability refers to the Appium server local file path. So you might need to specify your host machine's path for it

IP of android virtual device
You mean IP address for virtual device?
Or it seems like I am not understanding what it is mean by this. :/
Or for package I want to use should have I use this package:/data/app/~~2_IK3JDOWSvNkkIMequcFw==/szif.gtfoto-dWUj4QNgNzl5W2r_mUaYKQ==/ instead of going directly for apk?

If you want me to pull out .APK file from virtual machine to local device I did it. But I am not sure how will I be able to test elements within this .apk file without using directly a device. :/

I mean if your apk is C:\path\to\your.apk, then the appium:app should be C:\path\to\your.apk. Your given one was the device's internal path, it is not expected path.

If neither of the app, appPackage or browserName capabilities are provided then the driver starts from the Dashboard and expects the test knows what to do next. Do not provide both app and browserName capabilities at once.


If you wanted to use preinstalled apk, you do not need to set app

Ok, thanks to you. I got it. Now I will jsut need to learn how to manage the app. :)
Sry for your time. :)

As @KazuCocoa said, if you want to use a preinstalled app, it may be easier to use the appPackage and appActivity capabilities, and you can remove the app capability. However, app is better for cases where you aren't sure if the app is installed - and then you can remove appPackage and appActivity.
Also, the issue you originally encountered with Cannot read property 'client' of null is resolved in Appium Inspector 2023.8.2 - you would only see the first error about the incorrect app path.