
Could not find a driver for automationName ‘Windows’`

wmortume opened this issue · 10 comments

Is this an issue specifically with Appium Inspector?

  • I have verified that my issue does not occur with Appium, and should be investigated as an Appium Inspector issue

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

I have the latest appium-windows-driver and WinAppDriver drivers installed but when I try to use the inspector it’s complaining that it can’t find appium-windows-driver which is located in the ../.appium/.. directory.

Expected Behavior

I expect the inspector to detect the driver and start a session so I can inspect windows elements.

Operating System


Appium Inspector Version


Appium Version


Further Information

No response

Could you include the beginning of the appium server log as well?

e.g. from "Welcome to...."

[Appium] Welcome to Appium v2.0.0 (REV 552db40622bb7a82d9c6d67d2d6bcf3694b47e30)
[Appium] Attempting to load driver fake...
[debug] [Appium] Requiring driver at /Users/kazu/GitHub/appium/packages/fake-driver
[Appium] Attempting to load driver windows...

Could you include the beginning of the appium server log as well?

e.g. from "Welcome to...."

[Appium] Welcome to Appium v2.0.0 (REV 552db40622bb7a82d9c6d67d2d6bcf3694b47e30)
[Appium] Attempting to load driver fake...
[debug] [Appium] Requiring driver at /Users/kazu/GitHub/appium/packages/fake-driver
[Appium] Attempting to load driver windows...

@KazuCocoa Here's the whole log.

it looks like the appium windows driver installation failed. Maybe node build was wrong.
What version of node/npm does the env have?
If not, nodejs v20, 18, 16 (LTS), could you try them out?

@KazuCocoa After downgrading from v21.6.2 to v20.11.1 I get a different error telling me winappdriver server is not listening within timeout.

Are you perhaps setting Remote Path to /wd/hub? (the error message is blocking the fields)
In your screenshots you are launching the server without any arguments, so Remote Path can be left as the default /. Same with the port.

@eglitise The remote path was left blank. Removing the port still gives me the same error message.

Does the same error appear if you start the session without the Inspector (using another Appium client)? If not, can you please share the full Appium server log?

I haven't checked well yet but wondered if it was the winappdriver's something

Perhaps the inspector does not fully well for appium-windows-driver, but full log may help to see a few.

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