
bug: Appium inspector failed to connect with appium server with desired capabilities

Elanthendral02 opened this issue · 5 comments

Is this an issue specifically with Appium Inspector?

  • I have verified that my issue does not occur with Appium, and should be investigated as an Appium Inspector issue

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior


Expected Behavior

should connect to appium server and open calculator app

Operating System


Appium Inspector Version


Appium Version

Appium v2.12.1

Further Information

Failed to create session. 'automationName' can't be blank; 'platformName' can't be blank

the above error is expected. Change PlatformName to platformName


@Elanthendral02 did that fix your issue? If not, can you provide another screenshot and/or Appium server log?


I don't know how appium prefix is not attached near platform name. from appium inspector now its working

Thanks for the confirmation 👍
platformName is a standard W3C capability, so it does not require the appium: prefix. Check the Capabilities documentation for more information.
Please also note that you have a typo in appium:platfromVersion.
Closing as resolved.