
Failed resolution of: Ljava/net/http/HttpClient;

LivPNavusoft opened this issue · 5 comments


Attempting to setup Appium in a KMM app, currently working on the Android side. Attempting to run a basic test results in the runtime error in the title when the AndroidDriver() is instantiated.


  • Kotlin 1.9.10
  • Java client 9.1.0
  • Selenium 4.17.0
  • Appium CLI v2.4.1
  • MacOS Ventura 13.5.2
  • Android API 34
  • Pixel 7 Emulator


Please provide more details, if necessary.

Attempting to run the test always fails at driver = AndroidDriver(url, options) and results in the stack trace below. The missing library,, doesn't appear to be available on Android.

Failed resolution of: Ljava/net/http/HttpClient;
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.jdk.JdkHttpClient.<init>(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.jdk.JdkHttpClient$Factory.createClient(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.HttpCommandExecutor.<init>(
at io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor.<init>(
at io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor.<init>(
at io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver.<init>(
at com.navusoft.navusaleskmp.test.utils.AuthTest.setUp(AppiumSetup.kt:31)

Code To Reproduce Issue

Exception Stacktraces

Link To Appium Logs

None generated, it never connects. Verified I can start a session with AppiumInspector

This is probably something related to Kotlin and has nothing to do with this lib. Try ktorio/ktor#1608

@mykola-mokhnach Hello! We do not make use of Ljava/net/http/HttpClient; anywhere in this project. The test code in the gist is the only code being ran, and is just boilerplate based on Appium Inspector's code for establishing a session connection. It appears to be called from AndroidDriver's instantiation

It does not really matter. java/net/http/HttpClient is the standard Java HTTP client implementation since JDK9 and is used by selenium to communicate with the remote server. Absence of it would make such communication impossible. A workaround would be to avoid the use of this lib and to build a custom client based on a different downstream implementation.

I may misunderstand, java/net/http/HttpClient is certainly the standard, but as far as I'm aware it has never been available in Android. How is the AndroidDriver typically set up to work around this?

I don't have an answer there. The client is designed to work on Linux/macOS or Windows host running OpenJDK 11+ runtime. We have never tested the compatibility to other environments (Selenium did not as well)