
Carthage --platform iOS results in error

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Using carthage we have plenty of dependencies that would require --platform iOS to not get bogged down by unnecessary platforms building.

An error is thrown when adding Applanga to the Cartfile

*** Skipped building sdk-ios due to the error:
Dependency "sdk-ios" has no shared framework schemes for any of the platforms: iOS

If you believe this to be an error, please file an issue with the maintainers at

Can Applanga add the platform iOS to the framework schemes

could you please post how you added applanga to your Cartfile?


github "applanga/sdk-ios" ~> 2.0


carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries

@applanga-sroemer Hey any update?

Hi the problem originates from your usage of --no-use-binaries so if you remove that it should work fine. It seems to be a limitation/bug in current carthage versions whereas it can not recognize a binary only framework from github that has build with objective-c and tries to rebuild it.

Hi @lockett-rccl
we've extendend our carthage deployment so if you change
github "applanga/sdk-ios" ~> 2.0
binary "" ~> 2.0
in your Cartfile it should now work even with --no-use-binaries

@applanga-sroemer Okay, but when using --platform iOS the scheme does not build then the framework does not work.

I'm not sure if i understand your issue since it works fine on our tests.
carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries
binary "" ~> 2.0
works fine now right?
If not please provide me with the error message.

And if thats not the error please elaborate on that and provide a error message if possible.