
Support given–when–then (aka BDD) testing style

Opened this issue · 1 comments


A useful technique for arranging tests is to use a given–when–then style (as commonly used in behaviour-driven development). This is supported in a large number of testing frameworks (e.g., Quick for Swift, GoConvey for Go, JUnit 5 for Java using nested tests). Unfortunately it is not supported in Swift Testing.

Supporting this style would allow tests to be structured hierarchically according to the setup code shared by groups of tests, enhancing readability and reducing boilerplate setup code. This is consistent with the Swift Testing vision to be expressive, flexible and scalable.

Expected behavior

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Actual behavior

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Steps to reproduce

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swift-testing version/commit hash

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Swift & OS version (output of swift --version && uname -a)

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@rodcheater thanks for this issue! I'm personally very invested in BDD as a technique, and so far have been pleased with how I can use Swift Testing to achieve some of the workflows I know from other BDD-labeled frameworks.

We're well aware of the Given-When-Then (GWT) paradigm (and some of us involved in the project have used it, myself included). In prior discussions about how to shape and design the framework, we arrived at the decision that Swift Testing should be a framework of primitives that enable many different kinds of tests and testing frameworks to be developed, including Cucumber or Gherkin-styled frameworks.

Towards that end, we've generally believed it's best to keep DSL-based or opinionated test designs, such as GWT, out of the core framework since they may not be suitable in every application, or there are developers who may prefer alternate approaches to test design. GWT, Arrange-Act-Assert, and other ways of organizing pre-conditions, invariants, and post-conditions come down to personal opinions and experiences on the best way to organize test logic, and we seek to enable all of these designs without having to implement them in the core framework. In a lot of ways, Swift Testing is to Quick as Foundation is to UIKit.

If you encounter, or believe, anything in the current design of Swift Testing prevents the creation of the Given-When-Then framework you're envisioning, we would be eager to see what you found so we can see whether we can improve the framework for your needs.