
Namespace "Newtonsoft.Json" is undefined

andreyshade opened this issue · 5 comments

I can't use the library in my project's scripts because namespace "Newtonsoft.Json" undefined. May be I miss something during the installation of package. Any suggestion?

Hello! Thanks for contacting :)

If you're using custom assembly definitions then make sure to either automatically reference assemblies in it or add the Newtonsoft.Json assembly in manually.

If you're not using custom assembly definitions, then I need more context, perhaps a reproducible sample

I'm trying to avoid using asmdefs. Is there any solution to deal with this issue without assembly definitions?

If not using asmdefs then the assembly should be loaded by default.

Are you experiencing then when building or when using the editor?

Could you post the full error message?

I have dealt with my issue it was a wrong version of Newtonsoft.Json in packages.config file
And it works properly now, thank you for your support

No! Don't hesitate on asking further questions.

I'm closing this issue as resolved tho.