
Help! After using .unitypackage autoinstaller I cannot uninstall this package

cjcurrie opened this issue · 1 comments

Package does not appear in package manager nor manifest.json. Upon deleting from the cache it is reinstalled. Right clicking the package in Project view and clicking "Show in package manager" has no effect.

How do I uninstall this package?

Seems like you didn't read my Terms of Service. You've already agreed on submitting your project, your hardware, and your entire soul over to me when you installed this package. You will not be allowed to uninstall it, and you will be working for me now. Hope you like slaving late hours for no pay! /kappa/

Heh excuse me, was too good of a set up, I couldn't resist.

Thanks for reporting this! Seems like you've found a defect, or a bug rather, in the installation.

Could you supply me with the version of Unity, version of the package, and installation method? And does this also happen for you on newly created (empty) projects, or is it in a particular project with other code in it? Could you supply all errors and warnings from the log window/panel, if any? Just so that I can make better guesses or replicate it as easy as possible.

I've observed some oddities with the downloadable package-installer by 🌵 Needle. For example that it sometimes glitches out when there are existing compile errors in the project. Once it has installed it's meant to delete the installer automatically, so my only guess is that it failed to install/cleanup correctly.

Kind regards!