
Bug: in the page "Install Converters via UPM"

hadesfury opened this issue · 3 comments

The installation guideline were misleading

  • The "all package scope is not available anymore in unity" -> don’t know how to fix it
  • The version number displayed to enter the package version manually is incorrect or has changed -> fix below

It seems that "jillejr.newtonsoft.json-for-unity.converters": "12.1.0" should be replaced by "jillejr.newtonsoft.json-for-unity.converters": "1.0.0" then the upgrade works as expected

@hadesfury Thanks for reporting this!

Just to clarify, does this strictly refer to the converters installation, or the newtonsoft.json-for-unity installation?

It only apply to the converters .. sorry for not being specific enough

Took me some time to get to it. But it's fixed now. Thanks for reporting this!