
Replace Estuary username/password with Metamask auth

10d9e opened this issue · 3 comments

10d9e commented

As a customer I would like Metamask integration with Estuary to authenticate and log in to the application, and be able to interface with the Filecoin EVM chain.

Proposed flow (simple):

1 - if user is not yet registered

connect wallet > go to a page to request invite passing the public key as username
store the generated salt, username (this is already done) and hash.

2 - if user is registered

connect wallet > login with key > sign in
upon sign in (metamask), fire an API call to look up the public key and hash from the database
compute hash with bcrypt-js to authenticate
handle login

First draft of the sign up / sign in pages. Currently is working but looking at better signature verification steps for increase security.
Screenshot 2023-02-14 at 10 27 24 AM
Screenshot 2023-02-14 at 10 27 13 AM
