
Display Applivery User Authentication before installing new versions

CesarTrigo opened this issue · 2 comments

Store and always use the new API Key after a successful login. Do not ask again for a login once the user is authenticated and the new token is available.
Do not allow new installations if authentication fails.


  1. User opens the app
  2. SDK checks for new versions and displays Update prompt / Force Update screen
  3. Display User login if a new version is available and the field sdk.ios.updateAuth = true
    3.1. If authentication is OK: store new token and flag to not ask again
    3.2. If authentication fails: display error message Invalid credentials (translated)
  4. If the flag = true use the new token to download new versions
    4.1. If token expires or 401/402 responses are received: clean and show login again

Authentication endpoint available in POSTMAN:

Authentication Headers summary:

  • /auth -> No tokens needed
  • /app/{{app_id}}
    • Authentication: {{sdk_api_key}}
    • x_account_token: {{sdk_api_key}}
  • /builds/{{build_id}}/token ->
    • Authorization: {{user_access_token}}. If not available use {{sdk_api_key}}
    • x_account_token: {{sdk_api_key}}
  • /download/{{build_id}}/manifest/{{download_token}} ->
    • Authorization: {{user_access_token}}. If not available use {{sdk_api_key}}
    • x_account_token: {{sdk_api_key}}

Additionally, it's still pending:

  • Store {{user_access_token}} after successful login